I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Fellowship of the Ring

*this is my blog... be sure to read often, because my life is constantly changing! blessings *

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September 07, 2007

Another Post

Wow! So sorry that I haven't blogged in a while, but I've been really busy here lately with school and all the stuff that goes on after school... lol! I know that my mother would call this a very poor excuse, but it's true.
So here's how my week has went: On Monday, we didn't have school because of it being labor day, but we'd been camping all weekend, so we came home on Monday and spent all day working on putting our stuff away.
Tuesday was our first day back to school, so I went there and had another boring day in my school life. But as soon as I got home I had to take Sophie to the vet to get her shots and her matte all groomed out. I had to pay $100 dollars for that! Ugh
Then on Wednesday I went to school (big surprise, I know!) and then after school I had my musical auditions, which I must say went extremely well! We had to audition in groups of 4, so in my group was Ashley, Brian, Meagan, and me of course. Our audition wasn't until 4:15, but we all stayed after school and hung out until it was our time to go. We went into one of the band's storage rooms and practiced the whole time we were waiting! It was fun though, cause we got to hear each other's songs and give them tips and pointers on what we saw that they could improve. Then about 10 minutes before our auditions we came out waited, but we had to wait for about 20 minutes, because the teachers that were judging were running late. So when it was finally our turn, we walked into the theatre and all the teachers were in the back, so we all sat in the front row. They had us to sing first. Ashley went first; she sang 'In My Own Little Corner' from the Cinderella play. She did so good.... I made sure we all clapped at the end! Then Brian went, and then Meagan, and then *gasp* it was my turn! I was a little nervous, but not too much, because 2 or 3 of our judges are my teachers, so I was comfortable around them. I sang 'Part of that World' from The Little Mermaid. They were a silent for a few seconds after I was done, and they were still passing around my sign-up sheet that had all of my info on it. Then Mrs. Nieten sarcastically says, "And why aren't you in choir?!" I started laughing, but then the choir teacher, who also was a judge, told me I should seriously consider it, because I would make her day if I joined her choir! Of course, I was extremely happy, because that gave me a little bit of confidence. Then they had us read some lines from the play, and I was paired with Brian. If you know anything about Brian and I's relationship, you'd know that we act like brother and sister. It's so much fun to tease him and stuff, so we just pick on each other, back and forth, then we both burst out laughing... it's sooo much fun. So my roll was to play an over-bearing mother, and Brian was to be the whiny prince. I got so into it, because it was so easy for me to get in that roll; especially doing it with Brian! I guess Brian was cracking up as I was ranting out my monologue, becuase he knew that it was so easy for me. Plus, the itilicized words on the script said to 'rant with as much speed as possible without affecting the clarity of the words.' So I did it! It was incredibley fun, but after we were done, Ashely goes, "Brit, I'm mad at you." Obviously I asked her why, and she said it was because I did better than her! (We both read the same part, only at different times.) I thought she did extremely well, but I guess that's just because I was watching her. So after we were done, I called my parents and told them that we were done, and that I'd be waiting for them. Then the choir teacher came out of the theatre and pulled me over and asked me if I would join choir next year! I told her that I might, but I had other classes already filled in, but that I would try my best. So anyway, they went well!
After my mom picked me up, my whole family went "house-hunting"... my parents had a couple houses narrowed down so that we could start putting our house up for sale, and such and such. We've finally found one, and I love it! I get my own room (which I have now), but it's a lot bigger, and I'll have my own bathroom in my room! I'm so excited, because I get my own shower and everything! I think we're going to do my room in lime green and navy blue, with a movie theme... I can't wait!
Well, I need to go, cause I have to go to bed. TTYL!


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