I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Fellowship of the Ring

*this is my blog... be sure to read often, because my life is constantly changing! blessings *

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November 01, 2007


Wow! Well, I was going to write about something totally different, but I just got some major news that I need to share. I don't know how many of you have read the Eragon series, but I've read the first two and have been very impatiently waiting for the 3rd-and final-book. Since I get emailed the Alagaesia newsletter, I was informed that Christopher Paollini, the author, has decided to make his trilogy into 4 books!!!!! I was extremely shocked. I've been looking forward to being able to read the LAST book since, like, the 2nd book, Eldest, was published. I'm kind of disappointed that I'll have to wait yet another 2 years for the last book, but if you've read the books (and I highly suggested that you do) and hadn't heard about this recent news, go to http://www.alagaesia.com/ and watch the video!
And the major nws: I had an awesome Geometry lesson today! (now go back and read that sentence with a sarcastic tone) (and in case you didn't know, I sit right next to a certain he-who-must-not-be-named that I really like. *sigh*)


lori shepler - said...

brittan, would that special someone be name wilson smith by any chance???

mom *smile*

Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

:O Is mom giving out your secrets????

Anonymous said...