I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Fellowship of the Ring

*this is my blog... be sure to read often, because my life is constantly changing! blessings *

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November 24, 2007

Just wanted to show everybody this music video. It's from a new christian band called The Kraze. We actually met one of the band member's family last Saturday, that's how I found out about the band. They've got a website where you can check them out at http://www.myspace.com/itsthekraze .... so check them out!

November 17, 2007

I love my support system!!!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll, to be perfectly honest, I'm not that happy today. You see, I've liked this guy, Wilson, for a while now, and I'm really good friends with one of Wilson's best friends, Darrien. So Darrien said he would ask Wilson if he liked me or not. And to make a long story short, because this has been going on for a while because Darrien couldn't ever get a straight answer, but anyway... Wilson said that "I'm really pretty but just not his type". So sort of needless to say, I'm really bummed. I mean, Wilson had known for a while that I liked him, so when he didn't say anything, I started to assume that he didn't like me, but it was quite a let-down, nonetheless. I mean, does he even know his type?! I don't think so!!! But even if he did, I'm pretty sure I'd still be his type! But I'm determined to move on, because in the end, I know I'll live. I have very supportive friends and family, and Darrien even offered to give me Wilson's cell phone number in case I decided that I wanted to stalk him! lol. I found that hilarious. But before I even knew Wilson's answer, I'd been preparing myself to let it go. Apparently my parents knew that something wasn't right with me, because the other day my mom confronted me and goes, "What's going on?" So then, of course, I started crying, and gave her the latest Wilson news, so her little pep talk helped me to start moving on before I even got his answer.
So... with that in mind, my day hasn't been that great. I learned this news during lunch, and on my way back to class, Brian was trying to make me laugh and he says, "Watch, you're going to start laughing really hard and then end up bawling. I know you. That's exactly the kind of thing you'd do." Of course, I started laughing and ended the laugh by tearing up, but to cheer me up, Brian offered to create our 75th wedding anniversary invitations (it's an inside joke we have, because during homecoming, he and I were in the parade and we walked it the whole way. Then after school we walked over to the library, only to find that it was going to close in 10 minutes... so we then walked over to McDonalds and got some ice cream, but by this time we were both looking like lobsters and our muscles were sore, and as we were talking about all of our aches and pains, we started sounding like a 75-year old couple. So there's the history behind that little joke)
Anyway, like I said, I've got extremely supportive family and friends, so I'm sure I'll be just fine with the help of their support... it just may take a few days!
Well, we're traveling to Ohio tomorrow, and we're supposed to be leaving around 10, so I should probably shut this computer down and go to bed. Thanks for listening to my woes ; )

November 11, 2007

Mom, where are you?!

Alright, I haven't seen my mom blog since her post about my nana being a rebel. For anyone who knows my mom, you'd know that this is highly unlike her. So, mom,
WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

November 10, 2007


Oh yeah, and I found that if you go to bbc.com, you can listen to church services and choral music from England, Scotland, Ireland, and a whole bunch of other cool places! I'm currently listening to a church service from Scotland! How cool is that???!!!!

7 Days...

Well, I really haven't done much this weekend. On Thursday evening I went to my school to watch the musical Once Upon A Mattress. I was supposed to go with Heather, Brian, and Ashley, but Heather got grounded, so she couldn't go. So me, Brian, and Ashley all sat together, but Nicole was there also. She was sitting up in the balcony, though. We got to talk during intermission, though, so it wasn't terrible. Anyway, the musical was good, and I saw a bunch of my friends (and yes, Wilson was there!!)
But before I went I had to do a project for English over 'The Old Man and the Sea'. I had to do a poster comparing/contrasting Hemingway and Santiago, and then I had to write an essay about it. Yeah, I was bored with it. I liked the book in some ways because it was packed with literary analogies and symbolism and stuff, but as a book, it wasn't amazing. I lived through it, though.
So I really haven't done much of anything this weekend. In fact, I stayed in my pj's all day today. Mom went to the store earlier this afternoon, but I stayed home while the girls napped. So, I guess that's been the highlight of my week!

November 05, 2007

I'm blessed beyond compare!!!

November 04, 2007

My Lazy Weekend

Well, here it is a Sunday evening, and what do I find myself doing? Hm, let me think... nothing! Which isn't very different than anything else I've done this weekend. On Friday, I came home, got into pajamas, and did nothing besides watch tv for the rest of the evening. And I watched the uncut edition of Pirates of the Caribbean on television, because my dad decided that he was going to give away both of our movies :( but... It was a heavenly evening! Then on Saturday I babysat for my parents in the afternoon and into the evening. They went and saw a movie, then got something to eat, and went to look at my brother's apartment, while I stayed home with my sisters and did absolutely Nada. I got to see the first hour or so of Troy, but then my mom called and said that we got a showing for our house scheduled last minute, so I had to shut if off and start cleaning our house. Then today we went to church, but my mom ended up getting sick, so we had to come home and cancel the showing!!! (I'm sure if you would've listened, you would've heard me growl!) But I'm as blessed as ever, and missing a movie won't kill me.
I guess I'd better go get my sisters up from their nap. My mom's asleep too, so we'll probably just let her sleep. So off I go!!!

November 01, 2007


Wow! Well, I was going to write about something totally different, but I just got some major news that I need to share. I don't know how many of you have read the Eragon series, but I've read the first two and have been very impatiently waiting for the 3rd-and final-book. Since I get emailed the Alagaesia newsletter, I was informed that Christopher Paollini, the author, has decided to make his trilogy into 4 books!!!!! I was extremely shocked. I've been looking forward to being able to read the LAST book since, like, the 2nd book, Eldest, was published. I'm kind of disappointed that I'll have to wait yet another 2 years for the last book, but if you've read the books (and I highly suggested that you do) and hadn't heard about this recent news, go to http://www.alagaesia.com/ and watch the video!
And the major nws: I had an awesome Geometry lesson today! (now go back and read that sentence with a sarcastic tone) (and in case you didn't know, I sit right next to a certain he-who-must-not-be-named that I really like. *sigh*)