My Day
I went to the library today, and I checked out two books that I can't wait to read. The first one is called the Last Disciple. It's about a christian that is living through the Tribulation, and has uncovered a special code hidden in the book of revelation, and that secret could be deadly if it is in the hands of the Anti-Christ, or 'the beast', as he is known. That book sounded really good to me, because I love reading books about the Tribulations, and I really enjoyed the Left Behind series, so this book looked appealing. The other book is called When Dad Killed Mom. It's about a young girl whose parents were arguing, and the mother turns up dead. Of course, everyone believes that the Dad did it, but she has to decide for herself whether she believes that or not. All the while, her and her only sibling, a younger brother, start drifting apart, and her family starts crumbling. Then she has to deal with where she and her brother will go if her dad goes to prison, and she really doesn't want to get on welfare. That one sounded really good too, and since I couldn't decide, I got them both! It seemed like a very logical solution to me, but I only hve two weeks before I have to turn them back in, so I'd better start reading!
Well, I think I'd better go, because I need to get to sleep. I have been tired all day today, and I have to get up tomorrow at 5:30! I'll post soon!
Mom, if you're reading this, you might want to go and check out your guesbook! Someone special signed it!
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