I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Fellowship of the Ring

*this is my blog... be sure to read often, because my life is constantly changing! blessings *

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August 23, 2007

I Think It's Friday

All day it has seemed like Friday to me. I honestly don't know why, but it has. I was so excited to get on the bus, only to have my bubble burst with the realization that I still have one more day til my break.
So today was really fun for me, because I had all of my fun classes. We found out that on Monday there's going to be a 16-year-old French girl that's coming to our school, and will be there for 3rd block. There could've been a problem, because I have French 1st block, but I already talked to Mrs. Nieten (my theatre teacher, who I have 3rd block) and she's going to let me and Shayne (a guy that's in both my French and Theatre class) go for the last 30 or 40 minutes, so we can talk to her before she leaves. Apparently, she's doing an exchange program with a family in Noblesville, and working on her English, and Mme. Pierson found out and called the family, so they've been talking a lot because the family from Noblesville didn't know what kinds of foods to make and that sort of stuff, because they wanted her to be able to try a bunch of new things while she was here. So she volunteered to come to the high school for a couple of days and talk to all the different levels of french students. I am very pleased to say that she was amazed by our school, and how big it was. Of course, that makes us all proud (Noblesville has huge school-spirit.)
I did pretty good in Guitar today, too. I (unlike some people that I won't mention *cough cough* lol) practiced before I went to class, and what I thought I was supposed to be practicing wasn't due until next class, so I was ahead of most of the other kids.
Hm, well, I think that pretty much summarizes my day. My parents were at a funeral showing all day, because my mom's aunt died from diabetes on Monday. I was home by myself for a while until they got back, but when they did, my Dad said I didn't miss anything. He said that it was really sad, because there were only 2 bouquets of flowers. One was from the funeral home that they give to everyone, and the other was from us. I found that so... disappointing. I didn't know my mom's aunt that well, but I assume she was just like you or me. I think it's safe to say that she had hopes and dreams for her future, and for her children's futures. I don't know if she fulfilled what God had planned for her life or not, but I find myself almost disappointed, because
I find that so sad. For a person to work so hard in their lifetime, only for it all to be thrown away with nothing left; nothing to pass on to the next generations so that they will learn and grow from her experiences. She had, literally, a wooden box with some material wrapped up in it as her casket. I find myself feeling sorry for her, even though I know she's in a better place, and the details probably don't matter to her any more. I just find it so depressing to think that all God wants from us is to just live and die without purpose. Every day, when I wake up, I decide that I don't just want to live, I want to thrive. I want to show everyone what we can do when we've got God on our side, helping us along. Like I said, I didn't really know her that well, so I don't know if she felt that way or not, but I believe that if we really want to make a difference, we've got to believe and know down deep inside of us that we're living for something greater than just ourselves. If we tell ourselves that we're nothing special, or that we can't change anything, then we start believing it. And personally, I want to live for something better than the norm. Being normal is so overated anyway. So even though, in 10, 20, 0r 30 years, most people probably won't remember my great aunt Judy, I want to believe that someone, somewhere, will remember her, because she set an example for them, and showed them how exhilerating it was to live a free life. I'm sorry, I doubt that anyone really wants to read my ramblings! I tend to trail off into my mind, so I apologize if I'm not making much sense.
So I better go. I may post later if I remember anything else ;)

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