I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Fellowship of the Ring

*this is my blog... be sure to read often, because my life is constantly changing! blessings *

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February 28, 2007

My Day

Well, today was sort of uneventful. We did some yoga for about an hour and a half this morning in gym, and that felt really good, because last class I had to do all of my fitness testing, which consisted of running a mile, then running another lap, doing sit-ups, doing push-ups, a sit-and-reach test, and then jump roping. By the time I had all of that finished, I was a little sore, so the stretching really helped! I'm really looking forward to Friday, because we're going ice skating! I've never been ice skating before, but it looks like it would be really fun, and I can't wait to try it out. I know that for my french competition,I'm going to recite a poem in French, but that is the only thing thats set in stone. All of my other ideas are subject to change! In Geography, we're supposed to be writting a paper on what has shaped our current foreign policy in the Middle East, and I finally finished that today. After 7 pages of writting and tons of research, I am really excited to turn it in. I had my dad revise it and give me his opinion on what I needed to change, and so I worked on those revisions for a couple of days, but I finished those today.
I went to the library today, and I checked out two books that I can't wait to read. The first one is called the Last Disciple. It's about a christian that is living through the Tribulation, and has uncovered a special code hidden in the book of revelation, and that secret could be deadly if it is in the hands of the Anti-Christ, or 'the beast', as he is known. That book sounded really good to me, because I love reading books about the Tribulations, and I really enjoyed the Left Behind series, so this book looked appealing. The other book is called When Dad Killed Mom. It's about a young girl whose parents were arguing, and the mother turns up dead. Of course, everyone believes that the Dad did it, but she has to decide for herself whether she believes that or not. All the while, her and her only sibling, a younger brother, start drifting apart, and her family starts crumbling. Then she has to deal with where she and her brother will go if her dad goes to prison, and she really doesn't want to get on welfare. That one sounded really good too, and since I couldn't decide, I got them both! It seemed like a very logical solution to me, but I only hve two weeks before I have to turn them back in, so I'd better start reading!
Well, I think I'd better go, because I need to get to sleep. I have been tired all day today, and I have to get up tomorrow at 5:30! I'll post soon!
Mom, if you're reading this, you might want to go and check out your guesbook! Someone special signed it!

February 27, 2007

I Finally Figured It Out!...

Well, today I finally figured out how to put music on my Blog! I was on the computer for every class but one today, and I had a lot of extra time at the end, so I started searching for free music for Blogging, and I finally found a site where I could do it! If you want to hear the song I put on, go up to the the top left-hand corner of my blog, and you should see a small rectangular box. If you click on the arrow in the left side of that box, it should start playing. If you want to turn the sound up, there should be a button on the right-hand side that you can click on and drag it to the left or the right. That controls the sound. Anyway, I thought it was really cool. On April 28, I am planning on going with some of the other french students to a french competition at another highschool and we're going to compete with all the other highschools in Indiana. It should be really exciting! I don't exactly know what I am going to do for it yet, but we have to enter at least 3 of the competitions. I may perform a skit with a couple other of my french-learning friends, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to recite a french poem. I have yet to decide on my 3rd event. I'm really excited for this, because Noblesville High School is supposed to have a huge reputation in this competition. Last year, everyone who went won something, so I have a standard to live up to! It will definately mean a lot of practicing, but I think it will be fun in the end.
Nothing really exciting happened today, but on Sunday, it was one of my best friend's birthday! Heather turned 15, and Mr. Noah Caswell turned 5. I didn't get to see Noah on his b-day, but I'm pretty sure he had a good day! Heather's day went well, too. Actually, she's already planning her 16th birthday! Well, I think I'm going to sign off, because I'm missing American Idol, so I'll try to write soon! L8r G8rs!
if you noticed, I put a calendar on my blog, but I haven't put anything on it yet. I'll try to do that some other time, but you won't find anything exciting on it yet! Be sure to sign my guestbook and my guestmap! Thanx

February 25, 2007

my week

well, Today was really kind of boring because we were supposed to meet some of my parent's friends for dinner, but that got cancled, so we went out to dinner by ourselves (but we went to Red Lobster, so that made it all better!) We did get to go to DJ's hair salon and get some products for my nana and Madisyn, so it was kind of fun being able to get good-smelling hair products for them and stuff. On Friday night, we went to my little cousin Megan's birthday party, so that was fun being able to see her open her gifts and things. She seemed to have a really good time. I have even been able to talk to Madisyn via email. That was really exciting! In fact, my mom and Nana just got some more pictures of Madisyn today, and she was wearing one of the shirts that I have! My mom and I emailed her back and told her that I have the same shirt, and we put a picture in it of me wearing it. I hated the picture that we put in,though, because my mom took it when we were at Haitian weekend, and I was eating chips and totally unprepared for her to take the pic., so I have the stupidest expression on my face. Poor Madisyn! She's going to see that and be afraid of me before she even knows me! Well, I've got to go, because my mom needs the computer. I'll try and blog again soon! L8r!

February 13, 2007

I Get a New Aunt!

Wow! It's been such a long time since I've posted, I don't even know where to begin! But now I've committed myself to doing this, and i will do it! Well, if you want to start with the most exciting news first, my grandparents are going to adopt a 13, going on 14 year old girl, soon to be named Madisyn, from Hiati! I am so psyched! To me, it will be like having a best friend everywhere I go, because we're with my grandparents all the time. If you click on the link for my grandparent's blog, you will see her pic. on their latest post. You can also see her picture on my picture board on the top of this page. As exciting as this is, we really need your prayers. Madisyn's birth mother died about a year and a half ago, and her birth father hasn't been around since she was a baby, so she has had to care for her 6 year old sister for quite a while. And now that Madisyn is leaving Haiti, she is concerned about her little sister, Loundie. So please be praying that we find a good home for Loundie, and pray that she finds the parents that God has intended for her. Also, we're kind of hoping that we can find her a family close to us, that way she and Madisyn can keep in contact, so if you want to put that in your prayer as well, feel free!

Well, high school is going pretty well for me. I've already finished my fist semester of freshman year, and I'm well into my second. I like all my teachers so far and I love being able to be with different people every day. Today and tomorrow are snow days for us, because we're currently being hit with a huge snow storm. As you can imagine, I was devastated... just kidding! It was a huge relief to be able to go back to bed, when you would have had to get going at 5:30 in the morning! The only downer to this fairytale is that I could really get used to this, but I know I can't!

This past weekend, we went to what we call 'Haitian weekend'. Twice a year, people who have adopted from Haiti, are thinking of adopting from Haiti, or people who have any ties to Haiti in general get together for a weekend of fun and fellowship. It was really cool being able to see all of our friends from Haiti, because most of them live several hours away, so we don't get to see them too often. I am already counting down the days until our Haitian Camp in August!

Well, I'd better stop blogging, because my mom will be needing the computer pretty soon, and I've been totally changing the way my blog looks, and I've been working on it since dinner ended, which was at 7:45! So thanks for all your prayers, and be ready to read again soon!